- Adoption Fee:
- Current Age: 3 years
- Good with Men: only certain men
- Good with Women: only certain women
- Good with kids: No
- Good with dogs: plays well with the neighbor dog
- Good with cats: No
- House Trained: Yes
- Neuter/Spay: Yes
- Current vaccinations: Yes
Characteristics: Oso is an obedient dog who has some confidence and fear issues. He is totally comfortable with the owner and a select few other people. He is not outwardly aggressive but will approach a person and solicit petting, then sometimes snap at that person. He does not do well a the vet for that reason and needs to be muzzled. He would be a great candidate for muzzle training and is already comfortable with a muzzle being put on by someone he knows. He had a month boarding and training with a trainer where he was kept onsite for 3 months, then on site with owner for a month. Knows cues well, sit. down. place, walks well on leash. Owner noted that Oso really liked the trainer and got along great with him. Owner users prong to walk. Uses a mesh muzzle for bet. I would recommend a confident person who can maintain training, continue muzzle training and low-pressure socialization to grow Oso’s confidence. Should be someone who can separate him from visitors or take the time to properly introduce. Should be ok with larger dogs with proper intro. No cats. Would recommend no younger than teenage kids that can be directed on how to handle him. A home on the quiet side would be the best.