- Adoption Fee: $0.
- Current Age: Approx. 3 1/2 Year Old.
- Good with kids: No.
- Good with dogs: Yes with female dogs, no but with male dogs.
- Good with cats: Yes.
- House Trained: Yes.
- Location: Greenfield, IN
- Neuter/Spay: Yes.
- Current vaccinations: No.
- Contact: Allouri McCreary at 317-652-2425 or email allouril@gmail.com.
BIO: Hendrix is a 3 ½ year old 95lb male Rottie. He has lived with his owners since he was a puppy. He is house trained and raised in a family home.
Hendrix is looking for a new owner to help calm his anxiety around others. He does well with adults, cats and female dogs but he hasn’t learned how to handle the crazy energy of kids. One of his kids was moving around him too fast and Hendrix bite the child.
Hendrix is going to need the love and patience of a new owner that can help him learn how to handle the chaos of the world around him. If you have it in your heart to give this big guy a second chance of a happy forever home, please reach out.
If you’d like to rescue Hendrix, you can contact Allouri McCreary at 317-652-2425 or email allouril@gmail.com.