Happy Tails - Success Stories
Name: Freya Shelter or Owner Surrender: Emergency Foster SurrenderLocation: Chicago, IL Contact Info: 872.702.1026 Rehoming fee or adoption fee: $100.00Sex: FWeight: 82 lbs.Spayed/Neutered: NOAge: 16 monthsGood with Men: YesGood with Women: YesGood with Children: With...
Happy Tails - Success Stories
Name: Libby Shelter or Owner Surrender: Shelter- Washington County Humane SocietyLocation: Slinger, WI Contact Info: Jenni 262-677-4388 Rehoming fee or adoption fee: $263.75Sex: FemaleWeight: 70 lbsSpayed/Neutered: YesAge: 2 yrsGood with Men: Can be nervous of new...
Happy Tails - Success Stories
Name: ARIEL Shelter or Owner Surrender: ASHLEY DECKERLocation: FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA Contact Info: 954-593-9343 (TEXT) Rehoming fee or adoption fee: $150Sex: FEMALEWeight: 80LBSSpayed/Neutered: YESAge: 11 MONTHS (BORN AUGUST 2023)Good with Men: YESGood with Women:...
Happy Tails - Success Stories
Name: Billy Boy Shelter or Owner Surrender: Owner Surrender – was a stray that was taken inLocation: Plymouth, WI Contact Info: Dort Benzschawel / (920) 892-6778 / nohart52@yahoo.com Rehoming fee or adoption fee:Sex: MaleWeight: 75 lbsSpayed/Neutered: YesAge:...
Happy Tails - Success Stories
Name: AceLocation: Plainview, NE Contact Info: Nathanial Stinson-Powell / (480) 202-3946 / nathanstinson999@icloud.com Rehoming fee or adoption fee: $200Sex: MaleWeight: 50 lbsSpayed/Neutered: NoAge: 10 monthsGood with Men: Most of the time. If they seem weird or...
Happy Tails - Success Stories
Name: MelaLocation: Ames, IA Contact Info: Kathy Pike / (515) 239-5530 / kathy.pike@cityofames.org Rehoming fee or adoption fee:Sex: FemaleWeight: 92 lbsSpayed/Neutered: YesAge: 1 ½ yrsGood with Men: Yes, she has previously lived with a man and also handled at...