• Adoption Fee: $200
  • Gender: Male
  • Current Age: 3 Year Old
  • Good with kids:  Yes
  • Good with dogs: Yes
  • Good with cats: Unsure
  • Vaccinations:  Yes
  • Neuter/Spay:  Yes

BIO: Hey everyone!  Luke, here to tell you all about me!  I am between 2 and 3 years old. I have been bounced around from home to home.  My last home was with this pretty awesome postal worker who saved me from a previous bad setting and he loved me – and I loved him!!  The only problem – he was single and worked 10-12 hours a day and knew he couldn’t give me enough time, so he asked if MARR could help give me a better home.  Well, it turned out that I was heartworm positive, so when MARR took me in, I had to start going through heartworm treatment.  Let me tell you – that stuff hurts! BUT – I don’t let it affect me too much.  I love every human I meet – I really want to snuggle everyone!  Snuggles are THE BEST! I play very well with all small dogs and big female dogs. I find most doggies to be absolutely awesome and sooo much fun to be around! Big male dogs make me a little nervous sometimes, but I might be able to get along with one if our personalities meshed well! I haven’t met any cats yet, but if they are anything like small dogs, I think I would make a really good friend to the

If you’d like to adopt Luke, you can visit our Adopt page where you can find information on our adoption policies, and fill out an application.